D.R.E.A.M in the News
Managing Diabetes Through College by Tyler Kramer
College can be challenging for many reasons. From balancing time between classes, reading textbooks, & studying for exams to participating in clubs, sporting events and post morning lecture naps. And of course, trying to have a social life. Adding the rollercoaster ride of type 1 diabetes to your daily college life can bring unwanted frustrations and emotions…
Check out Tyler and Evan Kramer promoting D.R.E.A.M on West Bloomfield’s Civic Center TV!
Amazing Diabetes Advocates: Michigan Family Dreams
By Mike Hoskins, DiabetesMine
When he was just a kid during the ʼ60s and ʼ70s, Evan Kramer saw both his older brother and sister diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. But he didnʼt learn much about the chronic condition at the time, because his siblings didnʼt talk about their diabetes and his parents seemed to shield him from knowing more.
Past Events
Whole Foods Market Community Support Day-SHOP FOR D.R.E.A.M.!
Shop at Whole Foods West Bloomfield on April 3, and they will donate 5% of the day's sales to D.R.E.A.M., including a beer tasting from Thirsty Dog Brewing Company from 5-7pm!
National Youth Mentor speaks on type 1 diabetes
Join Tyler on October 12 at University of Michigan to hear him share his story about living with diabetes, and how he has learned to manage it. He will share his challenges and help you with tips on how to control your blood sugar. This program is targeted for 7-13 year olds and their families, but all ages are welcome to come and share their stories.